2024 Women in Business Summit Survey

Please provide your feedback below.

1. Have you attended other TASI® Bank functions before?

2. Please rate your overall experience in the following areas (1=poor, 5=excellent) or N/A if not applicable.

Location of Event
Registration Process
Breaks & Snacks
Speaker 1 – Kim Kaselionis
Speaker 2 - Julie Reinganum
Speaker 3 - Sophia Catha

3. What is the optimal month to host the 2025 Women in Business Summit?
6. Do you plan on attending in 2025?

9. If you’d like to learn more about TASI® Bank and receive information about other upcoming events please fill in your contact information below. Thank you!


A Day of Motivation & Inspiration.

Join TASI® Bank at the 2024 Women in Business Summit and expand your network while engaging with your diverse community of women business owners. Join us at this free event and hear from women in a variety of fields with our keynote speakers and spend time networking and building relationships.This is the space to share business stories, strategies, challenges, resources to help empower you and fellow attendees along each of your business journeys.

A Day of Networking, Connecting, and a Lot of Celebrating.

10:00AM-10:30AM —  Registration & Networking

10:30AM-10:45AM — Bank Introductions & Event Logistics

10:45AM-12:00PM — Speaker #1 – Kim Kaselionis, COO @ O'Donnell Financial | Registered Investment Advisor

12:45PM-2:00PM — Speaker #2 – Julie Reinganum, Vistage Chair | Board Director | Investor | Mentor & Coach to CEOs and Senior Executives

2:00PM-2:15PM — **Break**

2:15PM-3:30PM — Speaker #3 — Sophia Catha, is an in-demand Senior Facilitator and Business Coach for organizations that expect excellence in people, performance and profits. 

3:30PM-3:45PM — Event Wrap-up

3:45PM-5:00PM — Networking wine and cheese reception - TASI Bank offices

This Summit's Speakers

Julie Reinganum

Vistage Chair | Board Director | Investor | Mentor & Coach to CEOs and Senior Executives Learn More

Kim Kaselionis

COO @ O'Donnell Financial | Registered Investment Advisor Learn More

Sophia Catha

Sophia Catha is an in-demand Senior Facilitator and Business Coach for organizations that expect excellence in people, performance and profits. Her specialty is working with executives to generate powerful results. Her career spans 30 years, with global exposure to local and multi-national firms. Her incisive and dynamic presentations have captivated audiences in her lectures and training forums. She continues to steer, lead, train, coach and mentor people to actualize their corporate vision, always guided by her mission to inspire teams to their greatest potential.