Automatic Payment Authorization

If you have recently switched financial institutions to TASI® Bank, Division of Bank of Guam, fill in this form to redirect your automatic payments from your old account and begin collecting or charging from your new TASI Bank account.

Enter the date on which you would like us to start redirecting your automatic payments from your old account and begin collecting or charging from your new TASI Bank account as indicated below

New Account Information:

(Enter your TASI Bank information here)

Account Type 

Enter the company you want payments directed to here:


From: (Enter your business information here)

Customer Address

Electronic signature

Typing your full name below signifies that you are completing this form using an electronic signature. By signing electronically, you are certifying that you have read and understood the consent message and agree to electronically sign.
To continue with the electronic signature process, please enter your full name and submit the form.