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TASI® Bank Continues to Reach Out to Small Business


TASI® Bank Continues to Reach Out

To Business Owners with

Multi-faceted Programs

It has been a busy year for TASI® Bank as it continues to reach out to small and medium-sized businesses, across a variety of industries, including all levels of companies involved in the cannabis industry.

Events on the schedule included:

· A Women’s Economic Conference in San Francisco

· A Chamorro/Pacific Islander cultural festival in San Diego

· An annual golf outing in San Francisco and

· A continuing participation in local (Santa Rosa) and national (Las Vegas and San Diego) cannabis conferences

Next up is the regional cannabis conference at the Hall of Flowers in Santa Rosa, September 20-21.

“We might not be the biggest bank in town, but we are mavericks in the industry and dedicated to serving small and medium-sized businesses,” says Alan Gaul, vice president of marketing.

“By engaging our current clients and meeting with business prospects in a variety of ways,” he said, “we are telling our story in person, in social media, and events. The feedback has been outstanding.”

At the recent Women’s Conference in San Francisco, female business leaders were encouraged to share their stories and their concerns in discussions with experienced senior executives. At the golf tournament, the fourth annual, casual conversations helped reinforce TASI® Bank’s personality. At cannabis conferences in Las Vegas and San Diego, TASI® bank executives engaged cannabis business owners, growers, and manufacturers to exchange knowledge about an increasingly important industry.

“We have spent nearly a decade learning about and participating with cannabis-related businesses,” said Gaul. “As we build our knowledge and client base, we also gain recognition for our outreach and interest in the industry.”